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ZDMT get the honor “Machine Top 500 China” for the fourth time

    In the “2008 World Machinery Summit”, ZDMT gains the hornor of machine top 500 China again! It is the fourth time we get this honor since 2005. There are only 19 enterprises get this hornor in Anhui province, including 3 of top 100. We are the 349th in the name list, which thus ensures us ZDMT in the front part of the namelist for machine tool top 50 China.
    It is the sixth time for the evaluation of world machinery summit since 2003, whose period is one year. The summit opens on July 18th in Beijing, China ( The summit is well known for its authority, verity, science, time validity and impartiality. On the basis of improve the efficiency of chinese machinery enterprises, it contributes to the development of national economy and the international intercourse and cooperation. In a word, it is a wise director of chinese machinery range and good reference to th world wide!
    A brief look at the places of us. We are the 484th in the year 2005, 479th in 2006 and 370th in 2007, now we are 349th this year! Since 2005, we rise in the name list year by year! Yes, we are on the road of quick developing. We occupy the national market in a short time and now we are conquering the international markets one by one.
    Though we now get not bad score, it is still far from our aim. In ZDMT’s eye, there is no “best” but “better” forever!

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